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The Celina Community Police Foundation was established in 2021 to provide a funding link for community policing programs, initiatives and classes in the greater Celina community. The Foundation works hand-in-hand with the Celina Police Department to provide additional funding sources, sponsorships and volunteer support to community programs, in addition to funding and managing its own catalog of courses, events and more.

In early 2022, the Foundation received its 501(c)(3) designation from the IRS, making the Foundation one of several non-profit charitable organizations in Celina, but the only one dedicated to building relationships with our law enforcement partners. The Foundation's Founding Members include Aaron Mathis, Mathew Eberius, Mercedes Gall, Karen Williams and Michael Lopriore. We will forever be thankful to them for ensuring we were set up for success and for spending countless hours creating our articles, bylaws, fundraising and more.

The Foundation is supported 100% by volunteers and private donations and sponsorships. The Board of Directors oversees the daily operations and financial management of the Foundation.


Building relationships and enhancing our community.

Our purpose is simple - to enhance and support the community programs in Celina that grow relationships between law enforcement and the city's residents, employers and visitors. This includes support of programs such as the Citizen's Police Academy, Volunteers in Policing (ViPS), the Junior Police Academy, National Night Out, Coffee with a Cop, Cones with Cops and so much more.

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